BMX Tricks: Fakie Barspin

Hey there, fellow BMX enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your riding to the next level? Today, I want to share an exciting BMX trick with you: the Fakie Barspin. As an experienced rider, I’ve found this trick to be not only visually impressive but also a great way to enhance your skills and style on the bike. In this article, I’ll guide you through the technique, benefits, necessary equipment, and safety tips for mastering the Fakie Barspin. Let’s dive in!

What is a Fakie Barspin?

A Fakie Barspin is a popular BMX trick that involves spinning the handlebars 360 degrees while riding in the opposite direction (fakie) from your regular stance. It combines the elements of balance, control, and coordination, making it both challenging and rewarding to learn. The Fakie Barspin is often incorporated into street riding, park sessions, and even during flatland tricks to add flair to your performance.

Benefits of Learning Fakie Barspin

Learning the Fakie Barspin comes with several exciting benefits that can elevate your BMX riding skills and overall experience. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

Style and Creativity:

BMX Tricks: Fakie BarspinThe Fakie Barspin allows you to express your unique style and creativity on the bike. As you master the trick, you can add your personal touch, such as different body movements, to make it truly your own.

Versatility and Combos:

Once you’ve learned the Fakie Barspin, you’ll open the door to a world of possibilities for advanced variations and combinations. You can incorporate the Barspin into other tricks, such as tailwhips or manuals, to create impressive sequences that will leave spectators in awe.

Control and Coordination:

Executing a successful Fakie Barspin requires precise control and coordination. By practicing this trick, you’ll enhance your ability to maneuver the bike in tight spaces, improve your balance, and develop a greater sense of body control.

Progression and Challenge:

BMX Tricks: Fakie BarspinThe Fakie Barspin is an intermediate-level trick that presents a challenge to riders. As you work towards mastering it, you’ll experience a sense of progression and accomplishment, pushing yourself to learn new tricks and improve your overall BMX skills.

Visual Impact:

The Fakie Barspin is visually stunning and can captivate both fellow riders and spectators. Incorporating this trick into your repertoire will undoubtedly turn heads and add an extra level of excitement to your performances.

Necessary Equipment

Before attempting the Fakie Barspin, it’s essential to ensure you have the right equipment to ride safely and comfortably. Here’s a list of the necessary items:

BMX Bike:

Choose a BMX bike that suits your riding style and preferences. Ensure it is in good condition, with properly inflated tires and functioning brakes.

Helmet and Protective Gear:

Safety should always be a priority. Wear a well-fitted helmet to protect your head. Additionally, consider using knee and elbow pads, as well as wrist guards, to minimize the risk of injuries during falls.

Appropriate Clothing:

Opt for comfortable and flexible clothing that allows a full range of motion. Avoid loose or baggy clothing that may get caught in the bike’s components or hinder your movements.

Flat Pedals or Pegs:

BMX Tricks: Fakie BarspinHaving flat pedals or pegs can provide stability and support during the Fakie Barspin. Choose the option that suits your riding style and comfort.
Certainly! Learning the Fakie Barspin comes with several exciting benefits that can elevate your BMX riding skills and overall experience. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

Style and Creativity:

The Fakie Barspin allows you to express your unique style and creativity on the bike. As you master the trick, you can add your personal touch, such as different body movements, to make it truly your own.

Versatility and Combos:

Once you’ve learned the Fakie Barspin, you’ll open the door to a world of possibilities for advanced variations and combinations. You can incorporate the Barspin into other tricks, such as tailwhips or manuals, to create impressive sequences that will leave spectators in awe.

Control and Coordination:

Executing a successful Fakie Barspin requires precise control and coordination. By practicing this trick, you’ll enhance your ability to maneuver the bike in tight spaces, improve your balance, and develop a greater sense of body control.

Progression and Challenge:

The Fakie Barspin is an intermediate-level trick that presents a challenge to riders. As you work towards mastering it, you’ll experience a sense of progression and accomplishment, pushing yourself to learn new tricks and improve your overall BMX skills.

Visual Impact:

BMX Tricks: Fakie BarspinThe Fakie Barspin is visually stunning and can captivate both fellow riders and spectators. Incorporating this trick into your repertoire will undoubtedly turn heads and add an extra level of excitement to your performances.

Technique: Setting up for a Fakie Barspin

Now that you have the necessary equipment let’s dive into the technique of performing a Fakie Barspin. Here are the steps to set yourself up for a successful trick:

Selecting the Ideal Spot

Find a suitable spot for practicing the Fakie Barspin. Ideally, choose a flat and open area, such as a skatepark or an empty parking lot. Make sure the surface is smooth and free from obstacles to minimize the risk of accidents.

Positioning on the Bike

Begin by positioning yourself on the bike in the fakie stance. This means you’ll be riding backward with your non-dominant foot forward.  Place your feet firmly on the pedals, with the balls of your feet centered over them. This provides stability and control during the trick.  Bend your knees slightly to maintain balance and flexibility.  Keep your body relaxed and centered over the bike’s frame.

Finding Balance

Start by rolling slowly in the fakie position to get a feel for the balance and weight distribution.  Gradually shift your weight backward, leaning slightly over the rear wheel. This helps maintain stability and control throughout the trick.  Keep your eyes focused ahead to maintain a sense of direction and balance.  Practice riding in the fakie position until you feel comfortable and balanced.

Technique: Executing a Fakie Barspin

Once you’ve set yourself up, it’s time to execute the Fakie Barspin. Follow these step-by-step instructions for a successful trick:

Starting the Fakie

Begin by gaining some momentum in the fakie position. Push off with your non-dominant foot to generate speed.  Keep your body balanced and centered over the bike as you ride backward.  Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and control.

Initiating the Barspin

As you gain speed in the fakie position, prepare to initiate the Barspin.  Place your non-dominant hand on the handlebars, close to the stem.  Use your dominant hand to grab the seat or frame near the seat post. This provides stability and control during the trick.

Catching the Barspin

As you approach the desired point to perform the Barspin, release your non-dominant hand from the handlebars.  Swiftly rotate the handlebars 360 degrees in the desired direction using your dominant hand.  Keep your eyes focused on the rotating handlebars to time the catch accurately.

Landing and Rolling Out

Once the handlebars complete the rotation, prepare to catch them with your non-dominant hand.  Extend your non-dominant hand forward and grab the handlebars.  Regain control and balance as you land back in the fakie position.  Absorb the impact by bending your knees and distributing your weight evenly.  Continue rolling backward in the fakie position or transition into other tricks or combos.

Remember, learning the Fakie Barspin takes practice, patience, and persistence. Start with small rotations and gradually increase the speed and height of your Barspins as you become more comfortable and confident.

Safety Tips for Learning Fakie Barspin

As with any BMX trick, safety should be your top priority. Here are some essential safety tips to consider while learning the Fakie Barspin:

Wear Protective Gear:

Always wear a properly fitted helmet to protect your head from potential falls or collisions. Additionally, consider wearing knee and elbow pads, as well as wrist guards, to minimize the risk of injuries.

Warm Up and Stretch:

Before attempting any BMX trick, including the Fakie Barspin, it’s crucial to warm up your muscles and stretch properly. This helps prevent muscle strains or pulls and prepares your body for the physical demands of the trick.

Start Small and Progress Gradually:

Begin by practicing the Fakie Barspin on flat ground or small ramps. Start with smaller rotations and gradually increase the difficulty level as you gain confidence and proficiency.

Choose a Controlled Environment:

Practice in a controlled environment such as a skatepark or a designated BMX riding area. These spaces often have smooth surfaces, proper obstacles, and ample space for maneuvering safely.

Ride Within Your Abilities:

It’s important to know your skill level and ride within your capabilities. Progress at your own pace and only attempt tricks that you feel comfortable with. Pushing yourself too hard or attempting advanced tricks prematurely can increase the risk of accidents.

Practice Falling Techniques:

Falling is a part of learning any BMX trick. Take the time to learn how to fall safely to minimize the risk of injuries. Practice rolling out of falls and tucking your body to protect vulnerable areas.

Ride with a Spotter:

When learning new tricks like the Fakie Barspin, it can be helpful to have a spotter or a more experienced rider with you. They can provide guidance, feedback, and ensure your safety as you progress.

Stay Hydrated and Take Breaks:

BMX riding can be physically demanding. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and take regular breaks to rest and recover. Fatigue can impair your focus and increase the risk of accidents.

Remember, safety should always be a priority. Learning any trick takes time, practice, and patience. Take it one step at a time, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll master the Fakie Barspin and enjoy the thrill of executing this impressive BMX trick.

Advanced Variations and Combos

Once you’ve become comfortable with the basic Fakie Barspin, you can explore advanced variations and combinations to further enhance your skills and creativity. Here are a few examples to inspire you:

Fakie Barspin to Tailwhip:

After completing the Fakie Barspin, add a tailwhip by kicking your foot off the pedal, allowing the bike to spin underneath you before catching the pedals again.

Fakie Barspin to 180:

Instead of continuing in the fakie position after the Barspin, use your body and bike rotation to perform a 180-degree spin, landing in the regular riding position.

Fakie Barspin to Opposite Fakie:

After completing the Barspin in the fakie position, transition smoothly into riding in the opposite fakie stance. This adds a stylish and challenging element to your trick repertoire.

Fakie Barspin to Manual:

Perform a Fakie Barspin and then transition into a manual by balancing on your rear wheel while riding backward. This requires excellent control and balance.

Fakie Barspin to Grind:

After catching the Barspin, land on a rail, ledge, or any grindable surface and maintain the grind while riding backward. This combination showcases your technical skills and creativity.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild, and don’t be afraid to experiment and create your unique variations and combos using the Fakie Barspin.

As you progress with advanced tricks, always prioritize safety and gradually increase the difficulty level according to your skills and experience. Practice in suitable riding areas and seek guidance from experienced riders or coaches if needed.


Congratulations! You’ve now learned about the exciting BMX trick, the Fakie Barspin. This trick not only adds flair to your riding but also helps improve your balance, control, and overall BMX skills. By following the techniques outlined in this article and adhering to the safety tips, you’ll be on your way to mastering the Fakie Barspin.

Remember to start with the basics, practice regularly, and gradually progress to more advanced variations and combos. BMX riding is about expressing yourself, pushing your limits, and having fun. So, get out there, enjoy the ride, and keep challenging yourself to new heights!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How long does it take to learn the Fakie Barspin?
A: The learning curve varies for each individual. It can take weeks or even months of consistent practice to master the Fakie Barspin. Don’t get discouraged and keep pushing yourself.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for learning the Fakie Barspin?
A: BMX riding and learning tricks like the Fakie Barspin can be enjoyed by riders of all ages. However, it’s important to assess your own physical abilities and consult with a professional if needed.

Q: What if I’m having trouble catching the Barspin?
A: Catching the Barspin requires practice and timing. Make sure to keep your eyes on the rotating handlebars and try to anticipate the catch. Start with smaller rotations and gradually increase the difficulty level.

Q: Can I perform the Fakie Barspin on any type of BMX bike?
A: Yes, you can perform the Fakie Barspin on various types of BMX bikes. However, it’s recommended to use a bike with a strong frame and reliable components for better stability and control.

Q: Can I learn the Fakie Barspin without prior BMX riding experience?
A: The Fakie Barspin is an intermediate-level trick that requires a certain level of riding skills and bike control. It’s recommended to have some prior BMX riding experience before attempting this trick. Start with the basics and gradually progress to more advanced tricks like the Fakie Barspin.

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Duncan Peters

Remember, at, Duncan is not just an author; he's your cycling companion. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting your biking journey, Duncan is here to support and guide you every step of the way. So, hop on your bike, join the community, and let Duncan be your trusted source of inspiration, knowledge, and camaraderie.

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