BMX Tricks: Spine Transfer

Hey there, fellow BMX enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your riding to the next level? Today, I want to dive into the thrilling world of bmx tricks: spine transfer and share some valuable suggestions on how to master this exciting trick. Join me as we explore the techniques, benefits, and variations of spine transfers. Let’s get started!

What is a Spine Transfer?

A spine transfer is a BMX trick that involves launching off a ramp called a spine and transitioning from one ramp to another while in mid-air. The spine, usually shaped like a curved or triangular ramp, acts as a connection between two ramps or quarter pipes. It requires precise timing, control, and coordination to perform this trick successfully.

Benefits of Spine Transfers

BMX Tricks: Spine TransferSo, why should you invest your time and effort into learning spine transfers? Let’s take a look at some of the exciting benefits that come with incorporating this trick into your BMX riding:

Creativity and Style:

Spine transfers allow you to showcase your creativity and unique style. The way you approach, take off, and land on the spine can vary, allowing you to express your individuality and stand out from other riders.

Airborne Thrills:

The feeling of soaring through the air during a spine transfer is an adrenaline rush like no other. It adds an extra level of excitement and exhilaration to your riding, making each session more thrilling.

Smooth Transitions:

Spine transfers help improve your ability to transition between ramps or quarter pipes smoothly. By mastering this trick, you enhance your flow and fluidity in the skate park, creating a seamless and impressive riding experience.

Versatility and Progression:

BMX Tricks: Spine TransferOnce you’ve mastered the basic spine transfer, you can explore a wide range of advanced variations and combinations. This opens the door to endless possibilities for progression and taking your skills to new heights.

Necessary Equipment

Before diving into spine transfers, it’s crucial to ensure you have the right equipment for a safe and enjoyable experience. Here’s what you’ll need:

BMX Bike:

Choose a BMX bike suitable for your riding style and preferences. Make sure it’s in good condition, with properly inflated tires and working brakes.

Helmet and Protective Gear:

Safety should be your top priority. Always wear a well-fitted helmet to protect your head. Additionally, consider wearing knee and elbow pads, as well as wrist guards, to safeguard against potential falls or collisions.

Appropriate Clothing:

Opt for comfortable, flexible clothing that allows a full range of motion. Avoid loose or baggy clothing that may get caught in the bike or hinder your movements.

Proper Footwear:

Wear sturdy and supportive shoes with flat soles, such as skate shoes, to provide a good grip on the pedals and maintain control.

Ramps or Quarter Pipes:

Find a skate park or facility with suitable ramps or quarter pipes that offer the opportunity for spine transfers. Ensure the ramps are in good condition and meet safety standards.

Spine Transfer Technique: Approaching the Spine

BMX Tricks: Spine TransferTo execute a spine transfer successfully, you need to master the approach. Follow these steps to set yourself up for a smooth takeoff:

Choose the Right Speed:

Approach the spine with enough speed to carry you through the transfer. The speed may vary depending on the size and distance between the ramps. Practice different approaches to find the optimal speed for a comfortable transfer.

Select the Ideal Line:

Determine the line you want to take on the ramps. This depends on your comfort level and the specific setup of the spine. Find the best entry point that aligns with your desired trajectory and allows for a clean transition.

Maintain a Low Centre of Gravity:

Bend your knees slightly and keep your body weight centred as you approach the spine. This helps you maintain control and balance throughout the trick.

Spine Transfer Technique: Takeoff and Air Control

Once you’ve approached the spine, it’s time to take off and control your movement in the air. Follow these techniques for a controlled and stylish transfer:

Pop Off the Ramp:

As you reach the lip of the ramp, use your legs to push down and “pop” off the ramp’s edge. This explosive motion generates upward momentum and propels you into the air.

Level Out in the Air:

As you ascend, focus on levelling out your bike by extending your legs and shifting your weight slightly forward. This helps maintain stability and control during the transfer.

Spot Your Landing:

Keep your eyes focused on the landing ramp throughout the airtime. Visualize your desired landing point and prepare for the upcoming transition.

Maintain Air Control:

Use subtle movements of your body and bike to adjust your position in the air. This includes slight adjustments in your body lean and bike angle to maintain balance and control.

Spine Transfer Technique: Landing and Recovery

BMX Tricks: Spine TransferThe landing is a critical aspect of a successful spine transfer. Follow these steps to land smoothly and recover for your next move:

Prepare for Impact:

As you descend towards the landing ramp, prepare your body for impact. Bend your knees slightly to absorb the landing and maintain balance.

Aim for a Clean Transition:

Aim to land with both wheels simultaneously on the landing ramp. This helps maintain stability and prevents an unbalanced landing.

Roll Out Smoothly:

As you land, focus on rolling out smoothly without abruptly slamming on the brakes. Maintain your momentum and control as you transition into your next move or prepare for another spine transfer.

Advanced Spine Transfer Variations:

Once you’ve mastered the basics of spine transfers, you can explore a variety of advanced variations and combinations. Here are a few exciting possibilities:

Tailwhip Spine Transfer:

Execute a tailwhip (rotating the bike frame 360 degrees around the horizontal axis) while in mid-air during a spine transfer.

Bar Spin Spine Transfer:

Perform a bar spin (rotating the handlebars 360 degrees) while airborne between the ramps.

Tuck No-Hander Spine Transfer:

Release both hands from the handlebars and tuck your legs up to your chest while transferring.

Remember, advanced variations require practice and a solid foundation in basic spine transfers. Always prioritize safety and progress at your own pace.

Safety Tips for Spine Transfers:

While spine transfers can be thrilling, it’s crucial to prioritize safety to prevent injuries. Keep these safety tips in mind:

Wear Protective Gear:

Always wear a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards to protect yourself from potential falls or accidents.

Warm Up and Stretch:

Before attempting spine transfers, warm up your body with light exercises and stretches to prevent muscle strains or injuries.

Start Small and Progress Gradually:

Begin with smaller ramps and gradually work your way up to larger ones. This allows you to build confidence and develop the necessary skills before attempting more challenging transfers.

Practice Falling Safely:

Falling is a part of BMX riding. Learn how to fall safely by tucking and rolling to minimize the impact on your body.

Ride within Your Skill Level:

Be honest with your abilities and ride within your skill level. Push yourself gradually and avoid attempting tricks beyond your capabilities.

By following these safety tips, you can minimize the risk of injuries and enjoy the thrilling experience of spine transfers.


Spine transfers are an exciting and visually impressive BMX trick that allows you to showcase your style, creativity, and skill. By mastering the techniques and incorporating advanced variations, you can take your riding to new heights. Remember to prioritize safety, wear protective gear, and progress at your own pace. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to hit the ramps, launch into the air, and experience the adrenaline rush of spine transfers!


1. How long does it take to learn spine transfers?

The time it takes to learn spine transfers varies for each individual. It depends on factors such as your previous BMX experience, dedication to practice, and comfort level with aerial maneuvers. With consistent practice and proper technique, you can start mastering the basics within a few weeks or months.

2. Can I perform spine transfers on any BMX bike?

Yes, spine transfers can be performed on most types of BMX bikes. However, it’s recommended to use a bike suitable for ramp riding, such as a park or dirt-specific BMX bike. These bikes are designed with features that enhance stability, control, and durability during aerial maneuvers.

3. Are there age restrictions for spine transfers?

There are no specific age restrictions for spine transfers. However, it’s important to consider your skill level, physical fitness, and overall comfort with BMX riding. If you’re a beginner or underage, seek guidance from a qualified instructor or experienced rider to ensure your safety and proper skill development.

4. What if I’m afraid of trying spine transfers?

It’s natural to feel some fear when attempting new and challenging BMX tricks like spine transfers. Start by building a solid foundation of basic BMX skills and gradually work your way up to spine transfers. Seek guidance from experienced riders or consider taking lessons to build confidence and overcome fear.

5. Can spine transfers be dangerous?

Like any extreme sports activity, spine transfers come with inherent risks. However, by practicing proper technique, wearing protective gear, and progressing at your own pace, you can minimize the risks involved. It’s important to remember that safety should always be your top priority. Start with smaller ramps, focus on developing your skills, and gradually progress to larger transfers as you become more confident and proficient.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering spine transfers and adding an exciting dimension to your BMX riding. Remember to have fun, stay dedicated to your practice, and always prioritize safety.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Now, grab your BMX bike, head to the skate park, and start honing your spine transfer skills. Get ready for an exhilarating journey!

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Duncan Peters

Remember, at, Duncan is not just an author; he's your cycling companion. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting your biking journey, Duncan is here to support and guide you every step of the way. So, hop on your bike, join the community, and let Duncan be your trusted source of inspiration, knowledge, and camaraderie.

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